Tuesday, June 23, 2009

We are Safe

The girls and I are FINE.

Due to a miracle from God, Jade and I were not on the train that crashed yesterday. Yesterday morning, I allowed the girls to stay home from school for a trivial reason but now looking at it hind sight I see that it was God's work. Typically, Jade and I are on this particular train daily in route to pick Vanessa up from Yu Ying however God protected our steps by changing my route.

Thank you Thelma, Yolanda and LaQuisha for telephoning to make sure we were okay. I thank God every day for having ladies like you in my life.

We are praying for all of the families that have been touched by this incident and hope for a speedy recovery for everyone involved.

1 comment:

Joy in AL said...

Isn't it amazing how His plans come together? You were not there yesterday, so that He can use you somewhere else tomorrow.

Glad you are safe.

Joy in AL