Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Cookies Were Sold Out

Members of troop 6037 gathered at the Giant on Argyle street in Silver Springs, MD for our first attempt of selling cookies via a booth.

Much fun and success was had by all involved with us selling a whopping 175 boxes of cookies in a little over 4 hours.

Our extremely efficient cookie manager, Tammy, informed us that we earned $1298.00 for our troop this cookie season.

I am so proud of my troop because it was our first year selling cookies and we did so in a superb manner with 6 scouts selling over 150 boxes and some going beyond that and selling more than 200 boxes individually.

For all of my parents reading my blog...thank you for supporting your scout because without you we could not have accomplished what we did. Tammy, thank you from the bottom of my heart because I could not have asked for a better cookie manager.

Camping here we come (the scouts decided to use the earnings to pay for their camping trip).

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