Sunday, September 12, 2010

Read Now! With Taylor Swift

Students between the ages of 8-14 are invited to write 250 word or less about the book they will always remember. Ten winning students (with their parent or legal guardian) will be selected to receive an all-expense paid trip to New York City to attend the "READ NOW! With Taylor Swift" literacy event.

Below is information on how to enter:


Contest open to legal and current residents of the 50 United States (including Washington, DC), Puerto Rico and Canada (excluding residents of Quebec) between the ages of 8 - 14 as of September 20th, 2010

How to enter:
1) On an 8.5x11 sheet of paper, write 250 words or less answering the question, "What is the book I will always remember reading, and why?"

2) Mail your entry with the signed parental approval form (see below with the rules) to:
557 Broadway
New York, NY 10012

3) The deadline for entries is September 20th, 2010.

4)10 winning students (with their parent or legal guardian) will be selected to receive an all-expense paid trip to NYC to attend the "READ NOW! with Taylor Swift" literacy event.

5)See below for more details and the OFFICIAL RULES.

1. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. To enter, print clearly/or type an answer to the following question on 81/2 X 11 paper: "What is the book you will always remember and why?" Entries must be fully original, must not exceed 250 words and must be in the English language. All entries must include your name, address, age, gender, telephone number, name of the school you attend and the parental consent statement set forth below (with parent/legal guardian signature); entries must be mailed with proper postage to READ EVERY DAY ESSAY CONTEST, Scholastic Inc, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. ALL ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE THE PARENTAL CONSENT STATEMENT AND BE SIGNED BY A PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN OR THE ENTRY WILL BE REJECTED. BY SUBMITTING AN ENTRY, ENTRANT AND ENTRANT'S PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN AGREES AND CONSENTS TO THE USE OF ENTRANT'S NAME, AGE, GENDER, LIKENESS, ENTRY AND ESSAY BY SPONSOR WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE AND/OR COMPENSATION FOR ANY LAWFUL PURPOSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ADVERTISING, PROMOTION OR TRADE PURPOSES. One entry per person. All entries must be post-marked by September 20th, 2010. Partially completed entries or mechanically reproduced entries will not be accepted. Scholastic Inc. ("Sponsor") assumes no responsibility for lost, misdirected, damaged, stolen, postage-due, illegible, or late entries or mail. All entries (and all rights in the winning entries) become the property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned.

2. Contest open to legal and current residents of the 50 United States (including Washington, DC), Puerto Rico and Canada (excluding residents of Quebec) between the ages of 8 - 14 as of September 20th, 2010, except employees, and their immediate family members, of Sponsor, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and their respective advertising, promotion, and fulfillment agencies. Contest is void in Quebec and where otherwise prohibited or restricted by law.

3. Entries will be judged based on the equally-weighted criteria of (a) originality, (b) clarity and (c) how well the entry communicates the entrant's unique connection to the one book in their lives they will always remember and why. Judging will be completed on or around September 27, 2010 by Sponsor, whose decisions on all matters relating to this contest are final and binding.
4. Except where prohibited, each entrant's parent/legal guardian consents to the use of his/her child's name, age, gender, entry, likeness and/or essay by Sponsor without further notice or compensation.

5. Grand Prize: Ten prize winners and one parent/legal guardian per winner will be flown to New York City on October 26th, 2010 to attend the live READ NOW WITH TAYLOR SWIFT event on October 27th, 2010, and will get to meet and take a photo with Taylor Swift and receive a Taylor Swift poster Each prize package includes roundtrip coach class air transportation between gateway airport nearest to winner's home and New York, one night standard hotel lodging based on double occupancy in New York, ground transportation between airports and hotels, dinner on October 26th and lunch on October 27th while in New York and $50 spending money (to cover additional expenditures while in New York, such as breakfast on October 27th and transportation from the hotel to the event) . Winners and their accompanying parent/legal guardian will be responsible for all trip expenses not specified herein as being awarded, including, without limitation, baggage fees, transportation to and from the airport in their home town, as well as any additional incidental costs associated with the trip. Winners and their accompanying parent/legal guardian traveling from Canada must have a valid passport as of October 26th, 2010. All travel will take place between October 26th, 2010 and October 27th, 2010, except in the event flight availability requires earlier departure and/or later return date(s). Travel must be made through the Sponsor, on a carrier of Sponsor's choice. Winners and their accompanying parent/legal guardian will be required to sign and return an affidavit of eligibility/release of liability within five (5) days of notification or an alternate winner will be selected. If a winner lives within a 100-mile radius of New York City, round-trip ground transportation selected by Sponsor may be substituted for round-trip airfare. Approximate retail value of each prize $1,480. Total approximate retail value of all prizes combined: $14,800. All state, federal and local taxes will be the responsibility of the winners' parents/legal guardians. Certain travel restrictions may apply. Sponsor is not responsible if the READ NOW WITH TAYLOR SWIFT event is delayed, postponed or cancelled for any reason, in which event, that portion of prize is forfeited in its entirety and no substitution will be provided, except as may be provided in Sponsor's sole discretion. In such event, Sponsor shall have the option but not the obligation, in its sole discretion, to substitute a different prize activity. Sponsor's liability is limited to only the travel portion of the prize.

6. Prizes are non-transferable, not returnable, and cannot be sold or redeemed for cash. No prize substitution allowed, except by Sponsor in case of unavailability, in which case a prize of equal or greater value will be awarded. By participating, entrants, winners and accompanying parents/legal guardians agree to release and hold harmless Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies and their respective parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, representatives, agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers and directors, from any and all liability, for loss, harm, damage, injury, cost or expense whatsoever including without limitation, property damage, personal injury and/or death which may occur in connection with, preparation for, travel to, or participation in the contest, or possession, acceptance and/or use or misuse of prize or participation in any contest-related activity and for any claims based on publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, trademark infringement and merchandise delivery. Sponsor is not responsible if any prize cannot be awarded due to travel cancellations, delays or interruptions due to acts of God, acts of war, natural disasters, weather or acts of terrorism.


8. Winners will be notified by Sponsor via phone or mail on or about September 27th, 2010. Winning entries may be published by a national news outlet, on-line and/or otherwise released by Scholastic, itself or through third parties, in whole or in part. Winners may be contacted by Sponsor to arrange an interview to appear in such outlet. No other publication or release of entries is permitted without Scholastic's prior written consent. One or more winners may also be asked to attend and participate in media and/or public relations events (the "Media Events") designated by Sponsor and/or requested by various media outlets. Upon Sponsor's request, and subject to winner's availability, each winner agrees to participate in such Media Events without any further compensation. Sponsor shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to choose the winners it wishes to participate in such Media Events. By accepting the prize, all winners, whether or not chosen to participate in such Media Events, agree to release Sponsor and its affiliates, subsidiaries, distributors and agencies, and hold each of them harmless, from any claims relating to their selection, non-selection, participation or non-participation in any Media Events.

9. To obtain a list of winners, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope by October 27th, 2010 to: READ EVERY DAY ESSAY CONTEST, Corporate Communications, Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.

10. Sponsor: Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012



PARENTAL CONSENT: I give permission for my child to participate in the Read Every Day Essay Contest and agree to the terms and conditions in the Official Rules. If he/she wins, I consent to the use of his/her name, age, gender, likeness, entry and/or essay by Sponsors without further notice and/or compensation for any lawful purpose whatsoever, including advertising, promotion or trade purposes.

Parent/Legal Guardian signature
Print Name: ________________________________________

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