Saturday, October 2, 2010

Reflections, Never Wonder Why Me...Just Trust in God

I am finding as Forrest Gump said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get" to be very true.

This year many blessings first appeared as obstacles.

In December of 2009 I experienced the lost of a child. I cried non-stop but knew that my baby would be safe with my heavenly father.

On January 1st I decided that I would not settle for anything less than what I truly wanted. This caused havoc in my life though because this forced me to end old relationships and pursue new ones. This unquestionably was the most difficult thing I had to do because I hate change.

Next, I battled with my children's school to prove state residency eligibility. I fought with all my might however in the end the school "claimed" we did not qualify by their interpretations on what is considered residency (even though by state school board standards we met every criteria/guideline).

What I did not realize though was that all of these things were a part of God's plan to organize my life as he deemed fit.

Today, I am blessed to be reunited with my first love. He is great with my girls and actively plays a support role in their lives. Additionally, I have been blessed with a surrogate son that has garnered me the title of "soccer mom" and plenty of hugs and kisses. Best of all though my girls enjoy their new school more than the one they previously attended.

As I sit here I am glad that I experienced everything I went through this year because I am stronger and more motivated to follow my father's plan because he knows what is best for me and will provide everything I need.

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