Friday, January 7, 2011

Self-Doubt and Your Resume

Today I had to write my self-evaluation at work for our annual review. For months, I have been working hard to earn a promotion within my department but self-doubt crept in and negative thoughts began swirling in my head about not being promoted. I literally had to shut down my thinking and remember what life coach Georgie Borchardt told me in 2009. She told me anytime you forget all that you have accomplished just pull out your resume. I did just that and after reading over it about 10 times I regain my composure and was able to finish up my evaluation. I do not know if I will indeed be promoted but after having read my resume I know that I am deserving of a promotion.

1 comment:

*Natural Queen* said...

Yes you are, girlie!! When you work hard, you deserve a reward! I need you to show up in my followed blog updates more often... miss ya!

Are you and your friend still joining the Black Dolls??
