Thursday, June 2, 2011

Reading Passport - Activity

Before your children take off on a round-the-world reading odyssey, issue them each a passport so they can keep track of the places they visit. This kind of record-keeping activity is great for the long summer break.


*Spiral-bound deck of index cards or small spiral-bound notebook

*childs photo


*novelty rubber stamp

*stamp pad

*clear contact paper

To make a passport, tear the front cover off the spiral-bound cards. On the first card, glue the child's photograph. Write "Passport" in large letters, and the child's name. Laminate the card with clear contact paper for protection. After finishing a book,the child opens the passport to the next blank card and writes in the title of the book, the author's name, the place where most of the story took place, and the date. The child brings the passport to you -- the border guard -- and you stamp the page to validate that your child has traveled there.

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