Tuesday, July 12, 2011

DC CAS Results are In

Last night at 10:38 pm, I received an email from Vanessa's teacher of her DC CAS test score results. Why the urgency for which to send an email message to a parent so late at night you ask?

Drum roll please

Vanessa achieved proficient on both the math and reading components of the exam.

Both her teacher and I were/are extremely proud of Vanessa for accomplishing this because at the beginning of the school year her reading was not at the level we knew she was capable of achieving. Due to lots of hard work on Vanessa's part and countless hours (outside of the regular classroom time) of one-on-one reading skill improvement sessions with her teacher this was possible.

One can not predict the future or know how things would have turned out however I know Vanessa was able to score so well on the DC CAS due to the fact that she is a student at Watkins Elementary and was blessed to have Ms. Ewart as her teacher.

Never question God's plan for you because obstacles are sometimes blessings in disguise. I wholehearted thank our former school, Washington Yu Ying, for determining we were not eligible for re-enrollment due to the inaccurate way in which they determined DC residency. Their decision forced us to look into our neighborhood school. What we found was a gem of outstanding educators that are truly dedicated to the students. Yes, here it is not about who earns what, who can give the biggest donation to the school or who can can get the school the most public press. It is not needed here because the student's test scores speak for themselves and our cluster schools are the pride of Capital Hill.

To celebrate Vanessa's achievement we are going to Six Flags this weekend.

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