Monday, October 17, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference Day

Today, was parent teacher conference day at the girl's school.

Since, I regularly keep in contact with both teachers not much was needed to be discussed however the trimesterly DIBELS results were in. With great joy, I share with you that Vanessa is on level "P" which is the proficient bench mark for fourth graders. Jade is on level "C" which is considered advance for a first grader.

While, waiting to meet with Jade's teacher another parent and I began chatting and soon enough I began sharing my Reading Is Essential message. She mentioned to me that her son was having a hard time with his reading. My first question to her was "did she make reading fun for him." Her answer was no. In hearing this I told her the best way to get him interested in reading is to allow him to read whatever he wants even if it is comic books. Immediately, upon hearing this she burst into a chuckle and told me those are the only books he picks out at the library and she always tells him to put them back and then she proceeds to pick out other books for him. I told her at this point the subject matter should not be important but instead what she wants is to get him reading.

Next, I shared two creative ways in which we got our un-enthused son engaged in reading. I mentioned his love of playing video games and that in order for him to play his game of choice he is responsible for reading all of the rules and directions for the game. Finally, I shared with her that we oftentimes only allow him to watch his favorite television program with the caption on while the tv is muted. This forces him to read if he wants to know what the programming is about. Unfortunately, our conversation was cut short because it was time to meet with Jade's teacher.

Today's conference re-enforced that our family is on the road to raising great readers and that regardless of where I am I can share my message of reading is essential!

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