Saturday, November 19, 2011


I love this time of year...I always reflect on the things I am most thankful for. I am blessed to have good health, financially able to sustain myself, true friendships, supportive family, a "bonus son", two amazing daughters, a partner that serves as my protector, sees the best in me when I am at my worst, challenges me to be nothing short of my best self but most important loves my girls as his own. God has continued to bless me and my family this year. I know he has also done amazing things for your family so lets take the time to praise him and reflect on all the many blessings we have in our lives.

Update *******

Reflections are bittersweet, you realize all that you have achieved however you also see all of your shortcomings. While having dinner tonight my eyes watered up because I lived my biggest fear this year...three days after our 10 year anniversary my divorce was finalized. Applying for and following through with my divorce was the hardest thing I have ever done. Even with this divorce there was a ex-husband held no animosity and granted me a non-contested divorce because he knew how important it was to me to move forward with my life. He proved through his actions that if you ever loved someone their happiness means everything to you even when the relationship ends. For this my ex-husband will always be a prince among men in my eyes. I pray that he finds peace and happiness and a woman deserving of his love.

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