Friday, June 19, 2009

Community Academy PCS Awards Ceremony

Jade receiving her Citizenship award from Ms. Gloria

Today Jade's school held it's annual award's ceremony.

Since yesterday evening Jade has been excited about the Community Academy PSC awards ceremony and gave "mama" specific instructions on what she intended to wear and to make sure I remembered my camera.

Additionally, all night she was filled with excitement of the upcoming day's event. I was very excited myself but then I became scared because awards are earned not just given out (or this is what I remembered as a child) so fear began to creep up on me. I immediately said a silent prayer that my baby would receive something.

God, must have heard my prayer because Jade was the receipient of the CITIZENSHIP award. This is an especially significant award to us because we are constantly teaching our daughters to be respectful and polite to everyone they come in contact with.

Woo hoo to Jade..."mama", daddy, Vanessa and the entire family are extremely proud of you. Yu Ying and the world watch out here Jade comes as a pre-kindergartner.

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