Friday, June 26, 2009

Court of Awards Ceremony

Troop 6037 receiving their welcome to Brownies certificate.

Troop 6037 receiving their welcome to sisterhood certificate.

Tonight Girl Scout Troop 6037 held it's Court of Awards Ceremony for it's first quarter of activities.

The Court of Awards Ceremony is an event in which scouts receive the patches they earn. I decided to add special awards in addition to the customary patches. At our ceremony each scout received the Welcome to the Brownies certificate, Your a Part of the Family certificate, the Girl Scout Membership pin, the Brownie Insigmia pin and the World Trefoil pin. Two scouts earned the Robert Baden-Powell Award for attending every troop activity. Six troop members earned the Juliette Gordon-Low Award for attending every meeting. Finally, the most important award of the evening went to "Natalie" for being the Most Outstanding Scout. This awarded was voted on by the scouts and parents and "Natalie" received the most nominations from both her peers and their parents individually and collectively.

Additionally, we recognized our three honorary members (siblings to scout members) by presenting them with medallions. As scout leader, I realize that our troop is only as good as it's members but more importantly the parents supporting the members. With this in mind we acknowledged the hard work of three exceptional parents for their tireless dedication to our troop by presenting them with certificates.

The parent's of my troop presented me with white roses and a card filled with very heart felt words of encouragement and thank you's. I was not expecting it and was truly shocked. To say I love my troop is an understatement. Being a troop leader has been one of the most endearing things I have undertaken. The scouts are leaving foot prints on my heart and I feel like a "proud mama," for being allowed to share in their lives.
Flowers received from "my parents."
The evening drew to a close by eating dinner as "scouting family" following the awards presentation

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