Thursday, June 25, 2009

Micheal Jackson

While in commute with my children a dear friend called to tell me an icon of our childhood passed away. I thought he was playing a mean trick on me so I called two other friends and they verified the information to be true.

I grew up listening to Michael Jackson. He is the first musician my memory re-collects (even before Bob Marley). I remember being about 4 years old and having received a Thiller view master set from my father (who was living in the US during this time) and being the most popular child on my island home of Jamaica. Adults like children all wanted to view the images of the concert that the view master allowed.

My aunt Vanessa is probably Michael Jackson's biggest fan. She knew minute facts about him that others would find insignificant or obscure but as a fan she loved learning new tid bits about him.

Michael Jackson inspired both the poor and rich alike through his message of giving back to those less fortunate. Additionally, he broke color barriers by setting the example that race is never be an issue when it comes to achieving your dream if you believe and want it bad enough.

The message that I take from Micheal Jackson though comes from his song , "The Man in the Mirror," which states that change begins with each of us. My goal is to positively impact not just the lives of my own children but the greater community as a whole.

Michael, you will always be remember...I have looked in the mirror and is working hard to make the world a better place.

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