Sunday, June 14, 2009

Queen's Corner Expo

Local, state and national queen's attending the expo

Chelsey Cooley, Miss USA 2005, and myself

Miss Brookland Outstanding Teen and I

At 5:00 am I woke up to travel to Trenton, NJ to attend the Queen's Corner Expo sponsored by the Red Carpet Prom and Pageantry and Savvy Magazine. The trip began with LaQuisha picking me up in Clinton, then traveling to BWI airport where we met Montressa to embark on our trip via Amtrak.

Lucky us, the Hilton hotel where the event was being held was across the street from the NJ transit station. My feet were so happy for this :)

The expo was was both informative and entertaining. Abbie Rabine and Chelsey Cooley were the featured speakers. Both ladies shared a wealth of knowledge and "insiders tricks" with the audience. One of my favorite things about both ladies was how personable they both were. It is evident why they were so successful in pageantry.

Abbie Rabine began her session by asking us the simple question "Do you fit in with the pageant system you are competing in?"

This question was monumental to me because my coach and I have been discussing this very issue. The key to competing successfully in pageantry is to find a system that values and recognizes your strong attributes. With this in place your preparation highlights your attributes not re-create who you are or turn you into last year's winners mold.

I am going to continue the self evaluation process because my love for pageantry is unfaltering however as most delegates that compete I too would like to win a national title. To do this I must find the appropriate system that appreciates who I am currently.

Dr. AT of Stand Out Productions (Chelsey Cooley's Company) was also a speaker that focused on the fitness aspect of competition. He had on hand a personal training manual for the "3 different body types" and also the perfect plate. I purchased both of these items to use within my training program.

The vendors on hand had very useful items. After viewing the quality items the Red carpet carries I plan to visit the store to purchase my competition wardrobe. I think I found the gown that is ideal for me but you never know maybe when I see the full stock of merchandise in the store I will fall in love again :)

Also at the expo I won one of the raffles and now have a tank top (gave the second one to LaQuisha) and exercise sweat pants, compliments of American Coed Pageants, that I will use as my official work out gear.

Attending events like the Queen's Corner Expo allows contestants to be in an environment with like minded individuals that aspire to be their best and serves as an invaluable opportunity for delegates to acquire the necessary skills to become "elite contestants." I recommend that if a similar event or opportunity becomes available to you that you should definitely participate.

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