Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mrs. U.S. of America Pageant

While at the Queen's Corner Expo I met Chistina Couto, of Couto Pageants, who is the director of the US of America pageant system (and many others). I have received her brochures for many years. I have wanted to participate in her system but for some reason or another the deadline would pass before I would remember to sign-up for the competition.

One of the goodies in the "swag" bags received at the expo was a $100 discount from the US of America pageant system. Being a mom of two I am always searching for discounts and ways to make pageantry economical. Ms. Couto's discount allows many to participate in a cherished hobby without blowing the family's budget...we thank you.

As a reward for using my gym membership daily I am going to "treat" myself with an entry to the US of America pageant. One of the best parts about this pageant system is that there are no contracts or stipulation that winners can not participate in other pageant systems. I have a little less than two months to prepare, so wish me luck.
*Update* I was unable to particpate in this years pageant however Christana graciously transferred my entry fee to 2010.

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