Saturday, January 30, 2010

Miss America 2010

With baited breath I watched the Miss America pageant to see if Caressa Cameron, Miss Virginia, would make the semi-finals. When she did, I allowed a sigh of relief. As each round proceeded I held my breath and exhaled upon hearing her name.

My thoughts was if she makes it to the talent competition then she could be the next Miss America. I had this strong believe because January 3, 2009 I watched Caressa compete for the Miss Arlington title and she blew me away with her voice so I knew this was her strength and it would clinch the crown for her. As God had it she made it into the talent round.

During her performance of "Listen" tears came to my eyes...yes she was that magnificent. As the camera's panned the audience it stopped on her parents and her mother jumped out of her seat at the end of her daughter's performance and you could she her "bawling" due to her knowing her daughter gave a stellar performance if not the best she has ever given. Also upon her completion of the event her dad stood up and gave the #1 sign because he also knew his daughter did her best and that is all that could be asked of her.

Next was final question and once again Caressa gave her best.

From my scoring I thought things would come down to Tennessee and Virginia. When Tennessee was called as 2nd runner up I became nervous. I was so "confused" that I can not remember the name of the 1st runner up. When it came down to three I said either Caressa won or did not place...not placing made no sense. When they announced Miss Virginia, Caressa Cameron, is the new Miss America I jumped up and "hooted" because she did it.
Caressa had the dream of becoming Miss America since she was 11 years old I was told from one of her dear friends. Over the years her and her family made all of the appropriate sacrifices to allow her the opportunity to present her best self while she worked toward achieving her life's goal. It took her four tries for the Miss Virginia title which I think allowed her to grow to her full potential and amazing walked away with the coveted Miss America crown which so many little girls dream of "donning" one day.
Caressa (and her family) is a true inspiration to everyone that has a goal because she proves dreams do come true with hard work.

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