Sunday, July 11, 2010

Galaxy Crowns Four New Winners

Summer is my favorite time of year because most national competitions are held in July. During competition week I scurry the voy messageboards, google blogs and facebook to view pictures of the activities and crowning.

Galaxy pageants was one that I wanted to know the results for immediately since Yolanda Makle was competing in the Ms. division and I have known her for the past six years. My luck would have it that my computer would get a virus so I was without Internet the entire week of competition. With desperation I logged on to the web via my smart phone and low and behold I saw an announcement that Yolanda was the new Ms. Galaxy. To say I was proud was an understatement. I knew how hard she worked to prepare for the 2011 competition so I was ecstatic that the judge's saw her fitting for the title.

The other three titleholders crowned that night were:

Miss Teen Galaxy Int'l - Abbie Luther
Miss Galaxy Int'l - Taylor Parks
Mrs. Galaxy Int'l - Adrianne Caruso

CONGRATULATIONS ladies on conquering the Galaxy!

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