Wednesday, July 28, 2010

You did it again!

I wanted to share this email message from RIF's President and CEO Carol Rasco. Please read below:

Thanks to the thousands of emails, letters, calls, and visits you sent and made to your members of Congress about the importance of RIF’s federal funding, BOTH the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees on Education have reinstated RIF’s FY11 funding at $24.8 million.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

However, we have more hurdles to clear. The funding must still be approved by full committees in both houses of Congress, and make it into the final bill before being signed by President Obama.

Please be alert to future messages about RIF’s funding as we may need your help again for a final push at one of those stages. As always, you can check out RIF’s Advocacy Center for the latest information.

Thank you again and Happy Reading!

Carol H. Rasco
President and CEO

Personally, I thank each of you that sent letters to your Congress member!

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