Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Macy's Raises More than $3 Million to Book A Brighter Future for Children Served by Reading Is Fundamental

More than 1 million customers supported the campaign held at Macy's stores nationwide

WASHINGTON, August 23, 2010—The 2010 Book A Brighter Future™ campaign, RIF's largest customer supported campaign held at Macy's stores nationwide, raised more than $3 million to benefit the millions of children served by RIF. From June 30 - August 1, more than 1 million customers visited Macy's stores and gave $3 to support RIF. Macy's donated 100 percent of the funds to RIF.

Since 2006, Book A Brighter Future has raised more than $16 million for RIF. The dollars raised help RIF work towards its mission of putting free books in the hands of the children who need them most. Because $1 of every $3 will benefit a local RIF program, this campaign provided Macy's customers an opportunity to positively affect literacy in their communities. Of the $3 customers gave, $1 will also go to RIF's Multicultural Literacy Campaign, which supports early childhood literacy in African American, Hispanic and American Indian communities, where reading scores are lowest. Lastly, the remaining $1 will support RIF's ongoing efforts to provide reading resources to millions of underserved children across the country.

"After five years, Macy's continues to be successful at raising funds through Book A Brighter Future to help RIF work towards our mission," said Carol H. Rasco, president and CEO of RIF. "In these challenging economic times, RIF is fortunate to have the commitment and support of Macy's to encourage more children and families to discover the joy of reading."

Together, volunteers at RIF programs throughout the country and Macy's associates enthusiastically promoted Book A Brighter Future to their communities. RIF volunteers visited more than 300 stores to demonstrate their appreciation for Macy's support. Additionally, the Book A Brighter Future microsite provided visitors the option to Tell-A-Friend about the campaign for a chance to win a $1,000 Macy's shopping spree from RIF. This year's winner is Linda Denney of Fleming Island, Florida.

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