Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ivy City Community Meeting

Tonight, the girls and I attended our first Ivy City community meeting.

The experience was very unique because I met current residents and advocates that wanted to empower the neighborhood. Many of these individuals no longer had their zeal or belief that the elected city officials would honor their requests to improve the community. After hearing these community members share their experiences I started to wonder if I made the right choice to purchase a home in Ivy City.

After second guessing my decision I then decided that my I would create the community I want Ivy City to become by serving as an advocate for my neighborhood.

At the community meeting an association forming committee was created and I volunteered to be a member of this group because it will be key in shaping what Ivy City becomes. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, October 25th.

Hooray to transforming Ivy City into the pride of Washington, DC!

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