Friday, December 9, 2011

House Update

It has been a mini ordeal to close on our house due to a lot consolidation issue.

For the past month, I have been calling the surveyor's office for updates on the property. Unfortunately, I have heard numerous time that a new lot number has not been assigned. Today, I was garnered good news because the lot has officially been consolidated and recorded.

Over joyed with this news I immediately contacted the realtor and seller and informed them of this and asked them to verify the information and share with the title company.

I then, contacted everyone who was aware of the lot consolidation issue and informed them of the good news including my loan processor.

A few hours from my initial message to the seller I received an email requesting for me to call her. Of course I was eager to speak with Elin because I couldn't imagine a better Christmas present than a new house.

My conversation with Elin went better than I could have even imagine. We discussed a possible close date...we are shooting for December 19th. Also she discussed with me details about the planting of the new trees and erection of the fence. Both of these will be completed next week. Then she asked if I would be interested in hosting a "party" for all of the new homeowners. The "party" would actually be a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new community with my home being the designated site. I was both humbled and honored to be asked to host this event.

Today, was a great day indeed!

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